Sunday, September 21, 2008
AHHS my hse electricity tripped. TWICE. today alone. haha. im eating ice cream in case trip again. lolol
im so gonna fail my EOYs haha. AND OUCH. half my ice cream just went down
7:02 AM
Friday, September 19, 2008
Stupid talk by a tall tall lady, or in other words, yaoming's -POTENTIAL- wife. haha about posture and stuff like that..
then had science test first. before science test cedrcyh threw chocolate to me :D then i kept in pocket coz im so GUAI MAN. haha. then during sci test, i put hand inside pocket then like WTF. i touch dao chocolate then it was like MELTED. lols. haha then lalala science test gonna flunk le. then had art. went to art room and slacked sorta. and teacher keep screaming at us lols. coz we too noisy.. then well in the end moved to geraldine's table haha . can go earlier since we are SO QUIET. unlike those retarded idiots [coughKENNETHcoughCHENHANcoughAMOScoughCHINWEIcough] :D so noisy.
then recess-ed haha went to kaheng to ask for calculator and he said nv bring down. so smsed him to ask him to tell me when door open. so well, recess gonna end le then i go to 2int and collect the calculator surpising i wasn't late for..
the damn maths test. so hard la - - haha but gt ppl later than me XD so well, gonna flunk!
then music after that, we just slacked LOTS. and later on they found tingying's file and started t browse through. so well we sang a few songs =\ which turned out.. uhh not up to standard..
then after school hor.. actually wanted go lydia hse, but then, needed wait for SOMEONE. then right, later on that SOMEONE said dad fetch - - kns so sms-ed lydia and she ask whether still wan come. then lydia call me, she say at nativity church bus stop there. so went there and met her and salanne. then we went her hse! lols
then then, she ask me guess which her hse, and i was like.. uhh [points at 3rd] then she NO LA, its this one [goes to 4th one] LOLS. lalala then well so fun there. took lotsa retarded pics. actually frm wan study become PLAY. LOLS. salanne made another DANCE WITH SOFT TOYS video :D this time with lydia's bunneh! SO CUTE MAN! lols. as in the bunneh. haha. LOL, then lydia went to get mushmallows! XD with chocolate =x which i finished. and we ate them while watching youtube de videos which mainly shin chan and PCK and muttons =x the retarded change song thing lollll. "its too late to go and buy.." haha. then like 6.15? lydia go bathe. so me and salanne were like still stuck to the compter playing MINICLIP lols. that protect george bush de. haha. we're lame then in the end complete we change to some shooting game. but waiting for it to load, a MOTH CAME IN. and salanne went "AHH" [runs out of room] then i followed suit XD coz i was BORED lols! HAHA. then yeahs.. we went in after a while, but before that hor, i went to lydia's room and hide on her high high bed [coz we were inside her bro's room] haha. and salanne couldn't find me. so well then lydia finish bathing we go bus stop as she had to go for guitar prac. then then
we go bus stop, i went nativity church that one. queenie, seok kee and shermaine came LOLS. and seok kee was like "ryan teo wad u doing here" lalalala then in the end seok kee de bus lai first, then shermaine's. then me and queenie wait for 136 ._. but was retarded la. we purposely missed one. and it took 20mins++ to come HAHA. then i was late for tuition and stuff
then at tuition, didn't bring notes =\ so lalala slacked. haha then just pretend gt. then mr chin ask where my notes i say nv bring he "NO GOOD" me -.- kns. lalalaa then gib physics paper to us. XD just copied answers. lalala thats it bahs.
7:19 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
i love my art skills
[name censored due to request] says:
[name censored due to request] says:
my art is like
[name censored due to request] says:
pri sch drawing
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
mines worse ._.
[name censored due to request] says:
[name censored due to request] says:
i suck at 3d drawing
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
im serious too see mine - -
[name censored due to request] says:
only those draw cuboids and cube << lol of all things. reminds me of eric - -
[name censored due to request] says:
i know how draw
[name censored due to request] says:
the 3d type
[name censored due to request] says:
and i drew a cube! [stupid blogger dun lemme upload]
and this is the conver from queenie!
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
haiyo see la u hongster
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
find so mani girls
[c=38]-&&[/c] [c=#2967DA][-[QUEenie]-] [/c] says:
what what what?
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
u lor
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
unlike me
Ryan (: Im screwed says:
faithful husband to kelly << SO TRUE MANZXZ. :D
haha :D now ima crapping lots.
6:17 AM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
01. What have you been doing recently? Killing Daryl Song?
02. Do you ever turn you cell phone off? No, unless it goes flat ._.
03. What happened at 10.00am today? recess?
04. When did you last cry? just now..
05. Believe in fate/destiny? yeahs
06. What do you want in your life right now? her.
07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood? put up my hood
08. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed? myself :D
09. What bottom are you wearing now? boxers? =x
10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say? ily dear - amanda
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? yes. very complicated
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? uhms.. watch =x
13. What was the last movie you caught? money no enuf 2?
14. What are you proud of? my voice [sorta]
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say? some chinese message from salanne
16. What was the last song you sang out loud? uh. sing out?
17. Do you have any nicknames? lots.
18. What does your last received text message say? pro :D i old le. diff hehe -angie
19. What time did you go to bed last night? 2+
20. Are you currently happy? no
21. Who gives you best advice? myself
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? i don't even know wads that
23. Who did you talk on phone last night? uh.. sister?
24. Is anything bugging you right now? yes
25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh? salanne lee
26. Do you wear toe socks? i don't even wear ankle socks
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from? queenie loh?
28. Have you ever had your heartbroken? yes
29. What annoys you most in a person? bad breath and farting
30. Do you have a crush on anyone? yes
31. Have you ever done cocaine? no
32. What is the colour of your room? green with some blue/ turquiose
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar? yes
34. Do you believe in the saying of :"talk is cheap?" if talk were cheap, lecturers won't be rich
35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed? bro
36. Who was the last person to hug you? tigger :D
37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed? yes
38. Do you have a life? yes
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didnt die? crap question.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song? i love thai songs?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream? gabriel quek? --
42. Last time you smiled? 2minutes ago.
43. Have you changed this year? alot
44. What are you listening right now ? my keyboard?
45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this? no
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed? open
47. Is there a quote you live by? When life gives u lemons, make lemonade?
48. Do you want someone you cannot have? maybe
49. Have you ever played an instrument? yes
50. What was the worst idea you've had in week? flying and suddenly plummeting
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?? slacking
52. Are you happy with your love life right now? i have no love life
53. What song best describe your love life? indescribable?
54. Does the person know that you like him/her? no
55. Who always make you laugh? forummers? those wacky people
56. Do you speak other language other than English? gnommish, arabic.. indian. basically any launguage
57. Favourite website? badjojo
58. What's your middle name? no middle name
59. What are you doing tomorrow? sch, oral
60. What do you think you are like? .. a guy that sticks out like a sore thumb
61. Who will you choose to die with? i rather die alone
62. Where have you been today? sch..
63. What game do you play often? audition
64. Who are you missing right now? noone
65. If you have to choose between friend n loves, who will you choose? friends
66. What are you doing right now? typing?
67. Which primary school are you from? north spring primary
68. Name 3 colours that you like? dark blue, sky blue, baby blue
69. What emotion you like to show? :D
70. What is your life to you? jail
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do? scream til wine glasses shatter
72. Who did you last chat in msn today? godma :D
73. Who do you admire most? myself
74. Which month are you born in? august
75. How are you feeling right now? hyper
76. What is the time now? 12.43am
77. what kind of person do u think the one who tagged u is?? super junior! lols
78. What colour did you use to dye hair? uhhs. nv dyed before?
79. Why are you doing this test? coz i saw this on queenie's blog
80. What do you do when you're moody? bite my arm
81. At which age you wish to get married? 30 if i even survive
82. Who is more important to you? Girlfriend or friends? friends.
83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do? have all the fun i can
84. Who is the person you trust the most? uhms. many people?
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain? yes i saw one a couple of days ago.
86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be? uh. be able to fly freely and without fear?
87. What is your goal for this year? pass EOY
88. Do you believe in eternity love? yes
89. What feeling do you love most? happiness? duh
90. Do you really think its Global Warming now? no its freezing
91. What feeling you hate the most? jealousy
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? yes.
93. Do you believe in god? yes.
94. Who cares for you most? friends.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? uh. friends.
96. What will you bring when you fight? AK-47 =x and a couple flashbangs + smoke grenade
97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life? ..
98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you? like dying
99. What if your stead two-timed you? break with her.
100.HOW DO U FEEL NOW? hyper
queenie loh ur stupid blog cant copy paste D: so i typed everything out HAHA.
8:46 AM
Monday, September 15, 2008
Yay i failed the damn home econs practical ._. a step closer to dropping to NA -.-
lalalala had PW first. slacked then HE. stupid nancy tan. gimme 1/8 for smth. then recess-ed :D queenie's baked rice was NICEEEE. so was geraldine's muffin. esther's was a bit weird =\ but still, nicer than mine. heather's muffin like gt dandruff or smth keep dropping the chocolate chips :X nearly all of it came off when i ate it ._. but still. i got lowest marks in the class. so people dunnid worry :] i secured the pro-est position. and lols. science go comp lab after lotsa people changed places =\ lols. so funny. then go LAN after sch. venus i think ._. then i kena own like shit larhs =\ ima noob :D then dunnid which fucker keep screaming [for once not me :D] haha. then bus-ed home took 136 with kenneth. lols.
i shall reply tags now :D
???: haha thanks :D but sadly is someone else go use bryan gwan's name tag. so its not him -.-
ced: i update le lor D: haha ur muffin NICE XD ily erzi! <3
queenie: lalala. wadever. u know wads sms ? - -
huini: lols. my glass dish was too small for all the pasta anw. well at least i helped someone pass their practical , sorta. hahas.
sookchin: -.- i dun remember being at pingpongy girlguy D:
6:44 AM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Unprivated my blog lalala. home econs prac stupid thingy tml. dooomed mannnn.
11:07 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
just back from tuition :D now being MAD with justina XD. shes now my nu'er and mei :D haha. COMPLICATE MY FAMILY TREE PEOPLE! hmm well heres an extract of the conversation:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
but if i go bass 3 our choir will become SAB and min han they all go ALTO or SOP
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
Relaxx.. says:
Relaxx.. says:
Relaxx.. says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
Relaxx.. says:
Relaxx.. says:
Relaxx.. says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
Relaxx.. says:
Relaxx.. says:
then i sing abunehneh
Relaxx.. says:
in front of the whole school
Relaxx.. says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
then then
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
Relaxx.. says:
Relaxx.. says:
Relaxx.. says:
Relaxx.. says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
Relaxx.. says:
LOLS. WE'RE MAD. ahs wadever. Class interaction shit then today had science first. mrs seah brought those ECOSPHERE THINGIES. those "enclosed environment that can sustain life on its own" - - lols. then maths. was about to fall asleep. then recess-ed lols. was kinda boring man. then had art. our mask is screwed =\ ah wells. haha then geog we went up late like 15 mins =\ haha. queenie de grp go make the VISUALIZER wet [HEATHER THERES SPELL CHECK FOR A REASON]. blahblah. then had english. stupid teacher crap de lor. well then go macs eat, with esther, lydia, queenie and salanne [see i arrange in alphabetical order :D]. well eat eat le. then we saw sec3's going back. so we walked behind them =x haha and lydia dun wan walk faster . so in the end those siao zhabors frm my class started pushing her :D and esther's fairy magic had no use LOLS. blahblah then at the sch de wall there rachael go push the samuel onto the creepers LOLS. haha so funny man. then took bag and went to music room. today seniors only. learnt this stupid "dance of the sugar plum fairy" song . sorta cute. but so high -- throat hurts. yay voice breaking! :D lols. then then when walk out of sch gate lydia was like "crying" when no1 pei her walk << coz we all either eating dinner at HGmall or taking bus/MRT. so she alone LOLS. bleahs. then we walk walk. left julien and ivy alone at the back while we walked super fastttt XD we're evil. ahs. then me and gabriel go eat dinner. we go 4th floor. then he say wan eat long john so go there eat -.- saw jiexin and another girl. dunno her name =\ but i can swear shes from choir =x then eat le, took bus 27 :D im mad i know gt direct bus dun wan take, go take nid walk 10mins bus - - haha. ima mad wad. cant blame me. so well bus-ed with gabriel.. then got off and went to tuition with kaheng. we were late =\ but alot. like half hour? he wanted to 8.15 then reach but me being so guai decided to go at 8 :D haha. well then mr chin was like "SETS" we heard SEX. LOLS. ah wells. and he kept calling me D: crap shit. he heard me say fuck - - knn. ah wells ima gonna play audi :D
7:46 AM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
7:00 AM
Oh finally my taggy gonna have some peace and quiet and non-abusive stuff thrown all over it :D. i hope - - well today was BORINGG. i screwed up my oral =\ by using lotsa english - - proness eh? but well that teacher was giving me a O.O look LOL. lalalal then kenneth say monday go lan. so well . peeps going bring home clothes!! :D
6:57 AM
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Uh lols. today was sorta sian. haha. lit 1st lesson =\ scored like shit for my test. then malay. retarded man. haha. followed by english lolol. we were all seated like
[Legend {} : table]
Door [notice board] [W H I T E B O A R D] [notice board]
[Teacher's table]
{} {} {}
{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} < linked
{} {} {} {} {} {} {}
{} {}
{}{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}
{} {} {}
{} {} {} {} {} {}
lolz.. and then recess-ed.
then we had science. went to comp lab :D haha. then.. went back to class for CHINESE. retarded la. i ask chloe smth nia NID STAND OUTSIDE . FUCKING MDM PNG. and then cedrych toking to dunno who til nid go out LOL. haha. we so suay - - I BLAME MDM PNG. THAT BITCH. haha well then had to talk to him -.- retarded. lols. then after that went to LAN. checked Hougang Plaza. but nt open liddat. so went to cedrych de hse to borrow jacket :D then well, went to netforce. but cant enter. so bus-ed to the upper serangoon shopping mall or smth. checked there de LAN. full - - then went across road and went to there de LAN shop :D haha. at last. i got owned! as usual. eric was SOOOO EXTRA MAN.
6:01 AM
Monday, September 8, 2008
-name censored to protect identity- says:
u all got learn gaudeamus?
-name censored to protect identity- says:
duno how spell -.-
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
pronounciation is.
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
-name censored to protect identity- says:
gao de ah mers?
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
gao de ah mers
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
u mean
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
its a WHAT?
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
topic in maths? - -
-name censored to protect identity- says:
song o_o
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
-name censored to protect identity- says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
i thought wad greek term for maths
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
uh no
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
-name censored to protect identity- says:
lala :D turns out theres a weird song. that i heard from -name censored to protect identity-
4:14 AM
Arghs. my leg kena cut. and queenie lost her wallet. and i overslept. SUAY DAY MAN. yeahs monday blues. totally. crapzoid day. to add on to the "suay" list, assembly i stomach ache le =\ and shawn had nausea. and sook chin fainted. and our class kena scolded by nancy tan for not doing the damn freaking things well -- lala. and then. well. lol. and lalala. HE was boring. then chinese oso boring. haha. then lalalalalaa.. iafyhaeofa >> [fast forward]
recess lalaala [fastforward again]
lalallalalaalalalalalalalaaaaaaaa at macs... [ok too far back REWIND]
then after recess had maths. so sian. i nearly fell asleep. [as usual] and lol thanks lydia for the file :D SUPERMAN lolol. haha. then had lit. then release le laalalal. bgujgbaugoaebfgeoabgefa
lalallalalaalalalalalalalaaaaaaaa at macs... blablah. made our family tree again. this time with me with more affairs XD. then queenie lost her wallet =\ so well, went around trying to find but cant. so well. then later on we go MRT station. then lalala we go in le. then her dad called and told her to report the stuff lost. then we went to library. then we go le. then her dad came. then i go liao lor :D then lalalalalalalalalalalaalalal THEN I CUT MY LEG D: arghs. its like, a stream of blood =\ sians. alright i shall go clean up and go bath :D
1:38 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008

This is wad me and sk drew :D
pink is his, black's mine. figure out who we drew
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
PingPongBalls+ChickenWings=Squirrels! says:
[c=#F2570D][ ∙άнвõиģ™ ][/c=#FACF25] Start all over! says:
mine too. >.>
[c=#F2570D][ ∙άнвõиģ™ ][/c=#FACF25] Start all over! says:
How I wish Nancy Tan would just slap someone so I could report the situation, she gets sacked, we hold a NANCY-TAN-IS-GONE party
LOL agree with this statement man! i shall now continue chionging my HE :D
7:02 AM
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Haha Heather sent me this
[c=#F2570D][ ∙άнвõиģ™ ][/c=#FACF25] THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! (: says:
I'll give you hot water if you don't chill.
LOLS. lalalaa THIS IS SPARTAAAA. brian's bro's friend said i looked like some1 that was in the stage of unbroken voice-ness . PERSONAL ATTACK MUCH. D: EVIL. coz i was shrieking in his room while playing dai ti. LOLOL. haha and suan-ed siying so much. i enjoyed that man! :D and lalalalaa . chicken wings LOL. THERE WERE CHICKEN WINGS THERE. and we added siying's bf on msn [i shall not disclose his MSN AND name. for fear of being slaughtered] SEE SIYING! IM SO THOUGHTFUL XD. lalala met louis at 2.15 at sengkang MRT then train-ed to hougang and met athan and siying at KFC. then walked to brian's house :D then lalalala eat eat eat. OMG LA. HIS MUM IS LIKE, THE BEST-EST BEST CHEF EVERR. SHE MAKES SUCH NICEEEE BROWNIES. [i forgot to take pictures of the stuff she made coz i demolished them before i even remembered to take] and COOKIES. OMG. so cuteeee :D ahah. there were little candy stars. and the jelly is nice lols! ahaha. its nice mannnn haha. then blahblah. the cake was oso nice lol. EVERYTHING SHE MADE WAS NICE lol! haha. then went back at like 6+ haha. then lalalala. and audi-ed then lalaa bored now D:
6:15 AM
Friday, September 5, 2008
I shall reply tags first :D
Ced: Coz its style! haha ily erzi! :D
HuiNi: Im not skinny kays! LOL. im FAT D: i need to lose more weight ._.
Liang: huh? dun get it
Evelyn: uhh 60+? lols. coz 6 of us bought the 7.20 thing lolols. and +GST and the stupid NOOB service right charge thing - - lols. crazy them i dun wanna pay service charge. SERVICE NOOOOOOOOOB D: i mean NOOOOOOOOOB SERVICE. lols.
Brian: haha kies :D
i shall blog in light blue since im feeling HAPPPPPPY :D gosh moodswingy ._. haha then today was sorta fun. reached sch at 12.15? then came in time to see lotsa people moving mirrors out :D then me and julien and junkiat go 3rd floor hide :D and clarissa was like "JUNNNNKIATTTTT" LOLOLOL. then child of god thingy . haha. then choir .. then lalalalaaaa keep changing seats D: then then end at 3? got time for the farewell party prep :D then lalalalalaa so on blahblah.
4pm farewell party start. then had ice breaker. which daryl just threw ice on the floor ._. lols. and it was done LOL. best icebreaker. haha then introduce sec 4's. then was performance le. lol. lydia chua looked SOOOO CUTE HAHA! my one-sided affair with her LOL. weird man. :D and then, lalalaa was staring at justina during the whole of her performance. lolol. and during our skit i said fuck into the mike and everyone was like "orh hor" LOLOL. damn xia suay. then debra was like "his laughter.." - - and i was like [erhmm] LOL! ahaha. im MADDDDD WHEN IM HYPERRR
actually laughter ROCKS. hhahaaahahahahahahahaha LOLOL. and then after that was the game thing
amelia sabo-ed emmanuel. hahahaaa. she hold the ice for damn long then next block lai le then she pass over LOLs! ahaha. AMELIA PROOOOO :D [though she never visits my blog] haha. then then was the guess the baby that one. and then queenie de pic come up. lydia said "QUEENIE" and then correct she was like "ME MEH?" LOL. so funny laaaa. lolols. then lalalala minhan go touch the flour thingy LOLS. then lalala had this "find stuff" game. so damn RETARDED. LOL. lalala then prize presentation thing. then eat. then lala i bus-ed to tuition :D and was saying "SQUIRREL" to EVERY QUESTION. LOL. mr chin was like ".." ._. lols. well he was like. dunno wad animals lalala. then i was like SQUIRREL! and he stared at me -.- lols. and i doodled all over my paper. there was a "mr chin de squirrel" and "flying squirrel"and "SUPERSQUIRREL!" lols! HAHA. IM MAD I KNOW. lolol. then bought bread with kaheng =\ and came back lols. haha then slacked and bathed and justina said she and jiexin were pulling each other's hair on a viking ._. lols. weird people. lolol. well then no pic this time haha!
7:37 AM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Blah D: pizza hut made me BROKEEE [again] haha. the chinese compo thingy is CMI :D haha like our skit [shudders at wad would happen tml - -] lols. well i wanna dieeee lala. and salanne lee is EVIL. well left home at 10.45? then bused to sch and reached at 11.15 :D stupid bus nv come ._. lol. then we all camped at canteen til mdm png came and told us go up. do that stupid compo thingy. [which is cmi] then lunched at KFC and kept changing queenie and salanne's surnames :D e.g queenie zhuo, salanne yip [shes gonna kill me] haha. then ms lim was with us and didn't know my name XD lolol. haha. then mrt-ed to Sengkang and go interchange. lala. then on bus was so sian and decided to spam photos of the people at the back [sook chin and my laopo :D] haha. so funny. then go ju eng . there sorta slacky :D but well. move stuff here and there. and eric damn extra la. lols. then kelly and sookchin told JN to follow us lols. and i can bet half the photos in his pro camera is like OURS lol! haha. the water rocked :D bleahahaha moodswings. hahahahahaha. well then went back to the store thing. then slacked lots. haha. then locked eric out :D then nid gather back le. then mdm png wan us sing a song. we luan luan sing. then release :3 then we going out saw a "no pets allowed" sign. then erzi and the rest disiao eric :D ahah. that stupid dog. then bused back to compass point :D went to pizza hut where i became broke and hungry [even after eating 1 baked rice and clearing kelly's and sookchin's pasta :D] lols. im still hungry D: lols. then LRT-ed back home and lalala bored.
ending this post with this picture of charmaine w/o the glasses :D my pro drawing skills!

5:39 AM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Boom :D ok totally random.
But still.
Old Folks DO smell weird. and guess who has the misfortune of getting a whiff of that smell. lol. me :D but well i can disturb people there so well. who cares.
ah well. some crazy girls cornered me after choir and made me start shrieking in the music room - - and huixin was like "omg".lol
then went to space. slack slack slack. crazy salanne lee made me shriek and queenie + gabriel were recording the shrieks down. thats just plain wrong. ima guy, no1 would believe I can SHRIEK. lol. guys =/= shrieking :D haha. ahs then walked home in the rain lols. haha. bused then got wet again :D but bought chocolate :D with lydia. she was like "should i buy this or that" then i pointed at the colon thingy :D that... round round biscuit :D haha. lols. this post is filled with ":D"s lols. im maddddd and i wanna watch the video justina watched ! XD
ahs i got a flu and my eyes are waterry. guess i better hope that mdm png dies or smth yay!
7:15 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
lol wells i shall blog about todayyy :D
today woke at.. 5.30? lol. then i went online but appeared offline on MSN but no1 was on =/ [not like i cared] so i appeared offline til like, 8? then i switched off the comp. so i slept for half hour before waking up and turning on the computer again - - then had thunder D: so i had to switch off after 10mins. stupid la ._. so well, i off and slacked til 10? then turn comp on again. this time just msned and then shitt-ed and bathed and went to sch at 12. then 12.25 reach sch le. go space slack [sorta] and did the script thingy. so well until 2+ then me,junkiat and weixiang go canteen buy noodles go space eat, then junkiat commented that it was his 5th day eating noodles or smth - - then he started listing down the flavours. that weird boy. haha. so well, slacked more then went to KFC to eat since we were hungry [again] =\ seems like my metabolism rate is HIGH. lol then bus-ed back home and here i am blogging :D
2:26 AM
Ima bored so i shall reply tags. [that are in older messages page 2 ._.]
JiangNan: stupid ah gong keep spamming me. ur not my master ass D:
sk: thanks :D
ced: haha thanks lol!
2:17 AM